Monday, February 24, 2025

Isolation at its finest.

     Hi guys! Today I will be discussing Shatter Me, this specific book was written in 2011 by Tahereh Mafi. There will be minimal spoilers in this post, but there will be warnings if a small one comes up! In the past I’ve stayed away from dystopian novels for no reason but Shatter Me was recommended to me by some friends who were hoping I’d read it. To be honest, I’m very glad I did because it also got me out of a reading slump that I was stuck in for a while. 


The novel begins with Juliette (the MC) stating that she has been in an asylum for 264 days. No human contact, no speaking for any reason. Just her with her thoughts in a cell. It was kind of crazy putting that into perspective. Relatively quickly we got an idea of what her time in the asylum was like; usually a daily routine with burning bowls of food. She gets a cell mate which developed into a slow friendship building off of trust. Like I said Juliette hasn’t experienced any actual human interaction for a long time so gaining another person living with her is an extreme adaptation on her part. As time goes on, we learn her cellmate's name is Adam and he will play an important role later on in the story. I know this small description sounds boring, but it gets so much better the more you read, the plot twists and detailed descriptions help the reader depict the setting and other characters through Juliette’s perspective.  


It should also be noted that there are smaller books referred to as novellas which have I guess filler information in them, they aren’t necessary to read before reading the next book, but they are helpful. As of right now Shatter Me has 6 books in its series (Shatter Me happens to be the 1st book and name of the series), and a 7th book will be available in a couple of months. I’ve read the entire series, and I will say the plot twists that come with each book, and the new characters/backstories being revealed draws the attention of the reader. It was really hard to put these books down to be honest. Reading one after another until the series was finished. Overall Mafi put a lot of work and thought into the series, and I would most definitely recommend more people to read the 1st book if they are interested in the genres dystopian fiction or romance. Overall, I think that might be enough yapping from me, but thank you for reading my blog post!! 


-Chloe B. 🦆 


  1. I've heard of this book, and your post makes me want to read it! I think it is interesting how the main character starts off in an asylum. Great post!

  2. That sounds like such an interesting story! The connection she and her friend sounds like one that would be crucial to any plot given the situation that they're in. Thanks for the post!

  3. This book seems like a great read and I cant wait to try it. I love how for a while she has had no human contact, then suddenly she gets a cellie so she has to adapt and they eventually form a friendship. I just think the relationship between the two characters will be very interesting to learn about and observe how it changes. Great blog post!

  4. I will definitely check this series out! I knew had been reading them, but I honestly had no idea what they were about, but after reading your blog post, they seem like a series I would really enjoy! Would you recommend reading all the novellas before starting the series?

  5. This definitely seems like a book I would read. Will definitely be checking it out in the future. Thanks for the post and recommendation!

  6. Hehe I recommended this series to you in the first place; I'm glad to see you enjoyed it! While I don't typically read this genre anymore, I still have fond memories of Shatter Me--it's definitely great for entertainment!


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